Sunday, August 13, 2017


"The most important girls of your life are at home right now :)" Aug 2017
My daughter Alessia, My wife Mada, My Mom Martha

Thursday, April 20, 2017

"You gotta make a decision
Leave tonight or live and die this way"
Tracy Chapman - Fast car

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Wonder years

"Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers, next day you're gone. But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. I remember a place, a town, a house, like a lot of houses, a yard like a lot of yards, on a street like a lot of streets. And the thing is, after all these years, I still look back ... with wonder" Kevin Arnold

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

As in life...

Behind every movement there should be a concrete intention. Do not spend time making moves without a specific aim. Magnus

Monday, December 7, 2015

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart." ‒ Nelson Mandela

Sunday, October 18, 2015


kia whakata hoki au i ahau
hi aue, hi
ko aotearoa e ngunguru nei
au! au! aue ha!
ko Kapa O e ngunguru nei
au! au! aue ha!
i ahaha
ka tu te ihiihi
ka tu te wanawana
ki runga i te rangi e tu iho nei, tu iho nei
ponga ra!
Kapa O Pango!
ponga ra!
Kapa O Pango!
aue hi! 

Let me go back to my first gasp of breath
Let my life force return to the earth
It is New Zealand that thunders now
And it is my time! 
It is my moment! 
The passion ignites!

This defines us as the All Blacks
And it is my time! 
It is my moment! 
The anticipation explodes!
Feel the power
Our dominance rises
Our supremacy emerges
To be placed on high

Silver fern!
All Blacks!
Silver fern!
All Blacks!
aue hi! 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dreams vs. fears

"Let your actions reflect your dreams, not your fears" - Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Lo nuevo

Lo nuevo se acerca, es el 2015 que se aproxima. Hago referencia a las letras que leo ano con ano y las cuales estan llenas de verdad. Como cada mañana, este cambio de ano traerá una nueva oportunidad de hacer las cosas como queremos, empezar nuestro propio cambio, nuestra propia lucha y ganarnos la cama al final del día y salir victoriosos con una sonrisa y con el corazón lleno de bueno sentimientos, con una vida que invite, inspire y motive, con gente que amamos a nuestro lado sin referirnos a alguna posicion física... con amor! Aunque el universo siga inmutable :)